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“As we gather this morning to celebrate this funeral Mass for Shannon, we are reminded of the stable of Bethlehem by the presence of the crib in this church. The stable of Bethlehem into which was born a precious, mush loved, venerable and fragile child.

A child first welcomed by poor shepherds who lived on the margins of Bethlehem and of society. They received from Joseph and Mary, a warm welcome into the space of that tenderness and love, into that home of hospitality.

We are invited to enter into that space this morning, and we are invited to receive from the Christ Child that same hope and peace, that the Shepherds first received on that night in the hills of Bethlehem. Jesus wants us this morning to know his presence in our lives, his tender love, care and compassion.

When we think of Shannon, we also think of the river Shannon, a name that they both share. Rivers by their nature are naturally beautiful, magical, mystic, peaceful, tranquil and eternally flowing. These are traits that we all yearn for in life, each one of us yearn for them.

At times for whatever reason, very often it is only God alone that knows why we somehow fail to realise these traits in our lives and therefore are left without that Hope, Joy and Peace, which Jesus desires for us in each one of our lives. It is for these qualities and traits that I pray we all may experience in our lives and in our coming to terms with Shannons passing from this life to life eternal in Heaven.

None of us wanted and none of us expected to find ourselves back in this church today to be once again praying this Mass for a 15 year old child Shannon so soon after the death of 13 year old sister Erin.

It was only a few weeks ago that Shannon read so well at the Months Mind Mass for her sister.

We are numb and in such a state of shock and unrealness, total disbelief that for the second time within 2 months that Lorraine and the Gallagher family are having to face the desperate pain and deep anguish of losing such a beautiful child in the most tragic of circumstances. This community are deeply sorry for your heartache and we are at a loss. So many have asked the question over the last few days, how could such a tragedy happen again within 2 months.

This community has being praying for you and dearly wish this was not happening for you again. They wish to support you and to reach out to you and your family.

I said at Erins funeral Mass, that no mother in this country should ever have to experience the acute pain and suffering that you were going through in those days. That was also your wish Lorraine. But it is most regrettable that you find yourself once again and so soon in this most tragic situation this morning.

That must be so unbearable for you and our hearts go out to you. I don’t not know of any words that will help you. Jesus desires as do all of us wish to console you and give you peace and hope. It is Jesus words that I give you this morning that Jesus has prepared a place in that same room for Shannon with Erin in Heaven for all eternity.

Shannon loved you and her desire at Erins wake was for you and her little brother to be ok. That is what she would want for you this morning.

Shannon was a much loved girl. She was very precious to you her family and friends. She had a particularly close bond to her sister Erin. They spent so much time together and were such close sisters. Shannon would help Erin with so many things including homework. Erins death naturally caused her great sadness and pain.

Shannon was a welled liked and highly thought of girl in this community. Her friends have spoke of her so affectionately and in such glowing terms to me. These last few days have being difficult for you.

In school, Shannon focused herself completely where she was achieving very well. Recently she achieved an excellent result in her Irish exam. She was very much supported and cared for by her teachers.

Shannon was an accomplished sportsperson.Shannon won several sports awards at her school and she won the overall sports award in her first year at school. She as an excellent Irish dancer also. It was then onto football where she showed great ability on the field in both soccer and Gaelic, being a member of the county girls underage team.

She gave up ruby because she thought it was too hard she to take up what she considered the easier option of boxing. Boxing was a passion for her and she won titles both county and ulster titles. She was a dedicated person to her beloved Twin Towns boxing club and was very involved and so enjoyed being part of the club.

Shannon acquired such a huge circle of friends many of them through sporting involvement and achievement. This is the Shannon that will fondly be remembered by so many of her friends and school mates who thought so much of her.

Loss of a friend at any stage of life is very difficult but when one is so young that loss is all the more difficult and sad. This has being a trying time for you.The pain you are experiencing now will be different for each one of you. You may ask questions could you have helped her in a different way. The answer is simply No. You did everything you could possibly do for Shannon. You comforted her in so many ways.

While in life you all face many pressures today and sometimes you may feel that no one understands you or cares about you. If you feel that you have little hope of things improving for you, or that you have thought of or self harmed in any way or thought about suicide . Then please please TALK TO SOMEONE. I do not know of anyone who can read our minds: parents, teachers and friends may think they know what is going on, but they can’t really know unless you tell them. Talking about something will not make it happen. It will help for a problem shared is a problem halved.

Do not bottle your feelings up. Talking about them will not increase the hurt but a burden shared becomes lighter. In fact, this advice applies to everyone, no matter what age you are – share your feelings and do not let them eat you alive. There are people who care and people who can help. Shannon’ s death is a great shock for you.

As I said before, you may feel overwhelmed by your feelings, which will possibly be one or many. On the other hand, you may not have a strong reaction to what has happened. No two of us feel the same. It is okay to ask questions, such as, Why? Be patient with yourselves and allow yourselves to grieve. Don’t be afraid to talk about your feelings with parents, teachers, to your doctor, to the people in your clubs, to those professionals helping out in your schools at this time, to me or one of your own priests.

I am asking you as young people to continue to care for one another, to be kind to one another, to be there for one another — support each other. Call the different organisations: HSE Helpline , Now Doc, or Childline, Samaritans, Console.ie, the gardaí, there are cards in the Church entrances for Donegal Links and the church notice boards have helpline Nos.

I am saying to everyone here today that suicide is an unnecessary solution to the problems and trials of life. These problems that we face are only temporary and they do ease and pass away with help and in time. Suicide takes place around one grief to add even further grief for family and friends and whole communities. Suicide is never a solution.

To parents, teachers and those who work with young people in our community, I know that you are available and will continue to be AVAILABLE TO TALK WITH AND LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN as you always are.

Remember though that it is not always possible to know the deeply hidden problems carried by some of our young people. You want what is best for them and you do your very best for them. I also ask parents to familiarise yourselves with and use the help that is available and the services that are in our community.

My recollection of 6 weeks ago when we were last gathered here at Erins funeral was that I asked that this day should never dawn for another mother in this country ever again.That day 6 weeks ago on the 31st Oct, should have being a dawn for change in our country, a new beginning, when agencies, support groups, professionals and those charged with the care of children should have realised that the course and the path that they were on, in responding too and dealing with these issues was neither effective or responsive enough to deal adequately enough with this ongoing problem throughout Irish society.

But sadly Society which failed a 13 year old child Erin Gallager on the 27th October 2012, within 2 moths has once again in the same family, for the second time failed her 15 year old sister Shannon Gallagher.

Society has failed two children, two sisters within 2 months and that is a most damning indictment for any society evidenced by the second white coffin that is before this Altar within 2 short months, 45 days ago to be exact.

My heart is devastated, my heart is shattered at how poorly we understand the issues concerning youth mental health and mental health issues in the general population in Ireland. And the terrible consequences we see occurring and re occurring on a regular basis though out the country.

The systems and methodologies in place and used by the HSE and other agencies and professionals dealing with these cases simply does not work. We are failing to protect the most fragile and most vulnerable children in our society.

We are failing to to bring in the children, young people and most vulnerable adults on the margins of our society to the safety of the centre where they ought to find support, comfort, and safety.

The systems and approach need to be radically improved, to be completely overhauled and to be more responsive so that they have a relevance and are fit for purpose in the modern world.

Hiding behind professionalism and qualifications or the inertia of being able to change rules, legislation or regulations is simply not acceptable, when so many lives getting younger have being tragically and needlessly lost.

I am now calling upon someone in Government to take a hands on role and to do what it takes. Whatever that is to combat what is the the most serious problem affecting our country and so many of our families and communities with such devastating consequences.

The time for talking is over. For the sake of all people on the margins or in similar circumstances, for the love of God let some one person in Government take leadership and reform what is clearly a broken system.

Shannons family wish to thank the Twin Towns Boxing Club for their tremendous support of Shannon. Lorriane is most greatfull to each and everyone of you for the care and loving support you gave to Shannon. I want to also pay tribute to the club, to all sporting organisations, to all other groups and organisations, to the teachers and staff of the Finn Valley College, St. Columbas, St Marys and Dooish schools for the excellent support and care that you give to all the children and young people of this community. You are a credit and inspiration. You are the hope for our youth through involvement in various activities and events and furthering their education. I encourage you and laud you to continue with the excellent work you do. Every hour you spend in helping children and young people is the most worthwhile work you will ever do.

Thank you. In a special way I want to thank the Boxing club and the staff of the Finn Valley college the excellent care and support you showed to Shannon. I want to thanks all who cared for her in any way.

The star over Bethlehem shone brightly showing that Jesus who came to bring us Peace, Hope and Joy is present to everyone of us. Shannon and Erin are with Jesus in Heaven experiencing the fullness of that Joy and Peace. Jesus is taking care of them.

Shannon and Erin would wish that Hope and Peace for all of you here today. They would tell you that life is precious and it is worth living it. They would want you experience Hope, Peace and Joy in your own lives as you go about your daily lives. Maybe you should all take time to get involved in some leisure activity, clubs or groups or organisations, planet youth and so on. Shannon got great satisfaction out of sport. Sport, drama, music help us to have active and healthy lives. Get involved with others in clubs and organisations to build up positive friendships.

Finally I ask you to give some space in your lives for Jesus in your lives. Pray to him, talk to him as you would to me or anyone else.

Listen to him in the stillness and quiet. God loves everyone of us with an immense love. We are precious to him. He came among us as a vulnerable and fragile baby born on the margins of Bethlehem to show us that he understands us in our fragility and brokenness, that he wants to reach out to us and help us overcome the troubles that we face in our lives. And yes we can overcome the things that trouble us and working together as a people, we will overcome these things.

At this time of Advent, I ask you to open to hearts to Jesus so that he may dwell in them and flood them with his love ,joy, peace and hope. Fill your minds with noble and positive thoughts, use your voices to speak words of love and peace, so that others may be filled with joy and Hope. Use your hands to reach out to others with the love of Jesus to make this world a better place. Unite your pain with Jesus to bring many blessings into your own life and that of the world that we live in.”

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