The Glenties Golf Society had their final outing of 2012 in Narin & Portnoo on Thursday 27th December.
A total of 26 players took part and scoring was very good.the following were the winners on the day.
1st Harry Reid (7) 40pts (b.o.t)
2nd James O’Donnell (10) 40pts
3rd Joe Mcloone(11) 39pts (b.o.t)
4th Fr. A. Gavigan (11) 39pts.
The society had its A.G.M on Friday night and the following were elected to run the Society for 2013.
Captain. Fr. Adrian Gavigan
Vice Captain and P.R.O Kevin McHugh.
Secretary Pat Connaghan.
Treasurer. Harry Reid.
Comp & Handicap Sec. John Molloy.
Members wil be notified in the next few weeks about the programme for 2013.
Past captain Columba thanked everyone for making his year a special one, and he went on to thank Narin & Portnoo and the Highlands Hotel for thier hospitality during the year.