Congratulations: Congratulations to Matthew Mulholland who played at half time during the Ulster Final. Well done Matthew, from everyone at the club.
Free Fundamentals Camp: The Club will hold a FREE fundamentals summer camp for 5 & 6 year olds only at the Scarvey on Wednesday the 24th July 2013, Thursday the 25th July 2013, and Friday the 26th July 2013 from 10.30am to 1.30pm each day. This event is open to everyone.
Please ensure your child/children have a healthy snack and a drink (and sun cream if this weather continues!) Any Queries please contact Declan: 087-0916662 or Jim: 087-9933420
Donegal vs Laois: Orders for tickets for Saturday’s All Ireland Qualifier match will be taken tonight Tuesday between 8-9pm in the clubhouse. We will only be applying for tickets from the county board based on orders taken tonight and the Club has been allocated a maximum of 180 tickets with only 8 ‘unreserved’ seats available. These seats will be allocated to those that need them most.
Girls Football: Girls football training is on Monday night at 7.00pm sharp. Open to all girls from the ages of 9 to 16 years of age. New players are also welcome. Please bring your own water bottle.
U5 and U6 Gaelic Games: On Saturday the 27th July 2013 at 11.00am we will have our Presentation Day for the Under 6 children at the Clubhouse at the Scarvey.
U8 Football: U8 Football will continue on Friday at 6.30pm, new members are always welcome.
U9/U10 Football: U9 Football (for children born in 2004) and U10 Football (for children born in 2003) is on Friday evenings in the Scarvey from 6:30pm. New players are always welcome. Last weekend our teams played in Dungiven against Dungiven, Drumsurn and Craigbane. Thanks to parents for all who attended and supported.
U12 Football: The training times are as follows: Tuesday 7.00-8.00pm and Friday 7.00-8.30pm. League matches are held each Monday evening. Mouthguards are now compulsory for all training as well as matches. Newcomers are always welcome to come along and learn the basic skills of Gaelic football in a fun, safe environment.
Club Notes: Anyone who would like to receive a copy of the weekly club notes should email Oisín at to be included on the mailing list. If you have any items which you think should be included in the club’s weekly notes, please email Oisín at by 6pm on each Sunday for consideration. To keep up to date with all the latest goings-on, please join us on or @buncranagaa, or visit our website