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St.Eunan's CathedralNEWSLETTER - Sunday 13th January 2013 - The Baptism of the LORD


Your child’s baptism is a time of celebration and joy. Naturally, you want the best for your child. Why do you want baptism for your child in the Church? There may be many reasons… Seems to be the thing to do? Someone else in the family wants it? It’s on my “to do” list? I’m afraid something might happen my child? It’s a significant step that starts the faith journey?

How the Church sees Baptism

The Church sees Baptism as the first important step on the Christian journey. On the day your child was born, he/she was welcomed into your family. On the day of baptism they are welcomed into the bigger family of the Lord, the Church. In baptism we enter into a unique and special relationship with the person of Jesus Christ and we try to live out that relationship in and through the people around us. Or put another way … in Baptism we become:

A son/daughter of God the Father ~ A brother/sister of Jesus Christ

A temple of the Holy Spirit ~ A member of God’s family, the Church.

Baptism takes place on a Sunday at 1.30 pm in the Cathedral. Parents are asked to contact the Parochial House on 9121021 to arrange an appointment with one of the Priests to fill out a Baptism Card. Please bring along your child’s birth certificate. Baptism Preparation takes place every second Tuesday at 8 pm in the Parochial House.


An 8 part basic introduction to the Bible will be held every Wednesday in the Parochial House at 8.15 pm. The first session will be held on January 16th and the course will run until mid-March. There is no fee for this course and there will be no homework or exams. To sign up for this Scripture Course please contact the Parochial House on 9121021.

Phone: 074 – 9121021

Fax: 074 – 9124200

Email: steunanscathedral@eircom.net

SUNDAY ~ 13th January 2013

Masses: 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm and 6.30 pm

Baptisms: 1.30 pm in the Cathedral

‘The Dead Theologians Society’ Young Adults Prayer Group in the Cathedral Conference Room tonight at 7 pm

St Pius X Adoration Chapel is open at 7 pm

Al-Anon Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8 pm

AA Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8.30 pm

MONDAY – 14th January

8 am Mass ~ Margaret McDaid

10 am Mass ~ Bobby Doherty

7.30 pm Mass ~ Paddy Harley

St Pius X Adoration Chapel is open

Grow Meeting in Loreto Convent ~ 8 pm

AA Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8.30 pm


TUESDAY – 15th January

8am Mass ~ See Mass Intentions below

10 am Mass ~ ®

7.30 pm Mass ~ John McGlynn

St Pius X Adoration Chapel is open

Baptism Preparation in the Parochial House on Tuesday 22nd January at 8 pm

Divine Mercy Group – in the Cathedral at 8 pm

Legion of Mary – Conference Room

Al-Anon Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8.30 pm

Gamblers’ Anonymous Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8.30 pm

AA Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8.30 pm


WEDNESDAY – 16th January

8 am Mass ~ Margaret Winston

10am Mass ~ Margaret, Nora and Steve Lehan

7.30 pm Mass ~ Kitty Woodley (nee McMonagle)

Pius X Adoration Chapel is open at 7 pm

Ministers of the Eucharist in the Conference Room – 8 pm

Scripture Course in the Parochial House – 8.15 pm

Cathedral Choir Practice in the Conference Room – 8 pm

Mother’s Prayer Group Meeting in Loreto Convent – 8 pm

Narcotics Anonymous Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8 pm


THURSDAY – 17th January

8 am Mass ~ Living Benefactors of the Cathedral and all names in the Golden Book

10 am Mass ~ ®

7.30 pm Mass ~ Rose and Donal Gallagher

St Pius X Adoration Chapel is open

Charismatic Prayer Meeting in the Conference Room – 8 pm

AA Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 5.30 pm


FRIDAY – 18th January

8 am Mass ~ Michael Dorrian

10 am Mass ~ Seamus Brogan

7.30 pm Mass ~ See Mass Intentions below

St Pius X Adoration Chapel is open

Al-Anon Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 10.30 am

AA Meeting for Women in the Cathedral Conference Room – 1 pm

AA Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 5.30 pm

Gambler’s Anonymous Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 8 pm



10 am Mass ~

7.30 pm Mass ~ Vigil for Sunday

Confessions: 10.30 am to 6 pm and after 7.30 pm Mass

AA Meeting in the Pastoral Centre – 11 am


St. Vincent de Paul ~ Conwal & Leck Parish ~ 9129503

St. Vincent de Paul ~ Parish of Aughaninshin ~ 9122366




Terry McDermott (Month’s Mind Mass) ~ Charles Clarke ~ Brigid Clarke

James Clarke ~ Margaret Meehan ~ James Meehan ~ Margaret O’Donnell

James O’Donnell ~ Gretta O’Donnell ~ Pat McArt ~ Eddie Keys ~ Rose Dowds

Lily Doherty ~ Josephine Gallagher ~ Bridget Devenney ~ James Devenney


RECENT BAPTISMS ~ We welcome into God’s Community

Fionn Proinsias O’Breaslain


UNITE FOR LIFE – PRO LIFE VIGIL ~ A Pro-Life Vigil will be held on Saturday next, 19th January in Dublin at 4.30 pm in Merrion Square. Please make every effort to be there and to encourage family, friends and neighbours to do likewise. The vigil will have a positive, clear message about safeguarding the lives of mothers and babies in pregnancy. Posters will be provided on the day. Please do your part to spread the word. Anyone wishing to go to the Vigil should give their name to the local organisers who will be at the back of the Cathedral after all Masses this weekend. For further information please telephone Michael on 087-2922499 or Tony 9122559. The Parish Sponsored Bus will leave the Cathedral Car Park at 11 am sharp.


18th – 25th January ~ Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

To celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity there will be an ECUMENICAL SERVICE on Sunday 20th January in St. Eunan’s Cathedral at 7.30 pm.


There will be NO CURSILLO ULTREYA tonight (Sunday 13th January). The next Ultreya will be on Sunday 10th February in the Church of the Irish Martyrs at 8 pm.


A CEILI will be held in the Bonagee Community Centre tonight Sunday 13th January, dancing 8 pm to 11 pm. Everyone Welcome.


The LETTERKENNY YOUTH AND COMMUNITY CLUB A.G.M. will be held in the Station House Hotel on Monday 14th January at 7 pm sharp. All club members, parents and supervisors are invited to please attend as we have lots to discuss.


The A.G.M. of the LETTERKENNY REUNION COMMITTEE will take place on Tuesday 15th January in the Station House Hotel at 8 pm. All are welcome to attend, in particular anyone interested in joining the Committee.


The Annual Raphoe Diocesan Pioneer Association CHURCH GATE COLLECTION will be taken up at Churches throughout the Diocese on Saturday evening 19th January and Sunday 20th January.


LETTERKENNY PANTOMIME SOCIETY will present ‘Sleeping Beauty’ in An Grianan Theatre from Saturday 19th to Saturday 26th January at 8 pm nightly. There will be matinee performances at 2.30 pm on Saturday 19th and Saturday 26th and a performance at 5 pm on Sunday 20th. Tickets are €15 each or 2 for €25 for the 8 pm shows, matinees at €8 each or a family of four for €25. All tickets for the opening matinee on Saturday 19th January are priced at only €5. Tickets are available at the An Grianan Box Office on 9120777.


The Social Services Committee would like to THANK the Letterkenny Carol Singers for their lovely singing in the Letterkenny Shopping Centre before Christmas on behalf of ‘The Care of the Aged’. Amount raised was €1,086.


The Columban Charities would like to THANK all who supported their recent 25 Card Game in the Arena 7. To all those who took part on the night, to all the sponsors and to the Management and Staff of the Arena 7, thank you.


The H.S.E. Retired Group and Friends CHRISTMAS NIGHT OUT will take place in the Mount Errigal Hotel on Sunday 20th January. Meal at 6.30 pm. Music by Barney. To book please contact Kathleen on 9121551 or Breed on 9122605 or Charlie on 9126696. Please book before Friday 18th January.


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