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St Mary's KincasslaghSchedule of Masses - St. Mary’s Church, Kincasslagh: Next Weekend Saturday @ 7.30 p.m. - Sunday @ 10.00 a.m.

Next week Wednesday @ 7.00 p.m. Friday @ 10.00 a.m.

St. Columba’s, Burtonport Next Weekend - Saturday @ 6.30 p.m. - Sunday @ 11.00 a.m.

Next Week

Mon, Tues & Thurs @ 10.00 a.m.

Friday @ 7.00 p.m.

Lay Apostolate Prayer group 2nd Monday of the Month in the Oratory @ 6.30 p.m. All welcome


St. Columba’s Church: Tues 10 am – 10 pm

St. Mary’s Church, Wed 10 am – 7 pm

Anniversaries and Masses

StC=St Columba’s. StM=St. Mary’s

John Ward, Arlands, Sun 13th, StC

Andrew Neilson, Monday, StC

Christopher Harkin, Wed, StM

Kevin O’Donnell, Sheskinarone, Fri, StC

Molly & Hugh O’Donnell, Mullaghderg, Sat 19th, StM

James Ruddy, & his son Paul, Sun 20th, StC


Charlie Ward, The Glen, Kincasslagh, who was buried on Sunday last from St. Mary’s to Belcruit.

Fr. Harry Allison, Letterkenny who was buried during the week.

Fr. Patrick McShane, Donegal Town who was buried on Thursday.


Annie Moy, Belcruit, whose anniversary occurs at this time.

May they rest in peace


Fundraising Events

Caislean Oir, Annagry

Quiz on Wednesday 2nd Jan. Proceeds for CARRICKFINN PIER. Team of 4, €20 per team


Ecumenical Service

This years ecumenical service will be held in St. Mary’s Church, Kincasslagh on 20th January at 4.00 p.m. All are welcome to come along and share what we have in common with other Christians among us.


Acres N.S.

If you are clearing out old clothes, bed linen, belts, etc. please consider putting them in the clothes bin outside the school. We would really appreciate it, as the income generated is needed for the running of the school nowadays.


UNITE FOR LIFE – PRO-LIFE VIGIL will be held on Sat. 19th Jan. in Dublin at 4.30 pm in Merrion Sq. It lasts for two hours and a free bus has been organised from our area. Please make every effort to be there and to encourage family, friends and neighbours to do likewise. The vigil will have a positive, clear message about safeguarding the lives of mothers and babies in pregnancy. Posters will be provided on the day.

Anyone wishing to go to the Vigil should contact Doherty’s Coaches at 074 9521105. For further information please telephone Agnes on 9522139


VEC – Adult Education

Do you feel that spelling, writing and reading causes you difficulty? 1 in 4 Irish adults do. Next class begins Monday 28 January in the Ionad in Dungloe, 7-9. Call Dolores on 9180871 or 086 1740677 for information or to discuss other options for you. This is a free service.


Medjugorje: Pilgrimage in Holy Week

March 24th – 31st, 2013 Ex Dublin. Adults €629. Children under 16 =€589. Spiritual director Fr. Paul Gallagher. Bus leaving from Annagry. Contact Bernie at 087 935 3953.


Dungloe G.A.A. Minor Board

2013 Information night will take place on Saturday 19th January in the Parochial Hall Dungloe at 7.00 p.m. The underage managers would appreciate it if all parents/guardians of children playing at underage level would attend this short meeting.


Addiction – What about the Family?

White Oaks Rehabilitation Centre is holding a one day support programme for those affected by another’s addiction. Looking at the effects of addiction on you and your family and improve the quality of your life.

This programme is for you if you are aged 16 and over; your family is suffering from the strain of a loved one’s addiction; a friend is struggling with addiction and you want to know how to help; you have questions about addiction and need honest answers about treatment and recovery

Date: Saturday 26th January 2013

Time: 10am – 5pm

Venue: White Oaks Rehabilitation Centre, Muff, Co Donegal (Post-treatment annex)

Contact: 074 9384400

Email: whiteoaksrehabcentre@hotmail.com Cost: €20/£16 per person – Family Rate Available. Prior booking is necessary


Church gate Collection

The recent collection in aid of the Pro Life Trust at St. Columba’s Church amounted to €247.76. Many thanks to all who contributed.



Baptisms in our parish are held on Saturday evenings at 5.00 p.m. On the first and Third Saturdays they are held in Burtonport, and on the second and fourth Saturdays they are held in Kincasslagh.

A Baptism is the introduction of a candidate to the catholic faith and community, and to their own salvation. A promise of salvation is granted to each candidate to embraces the faith at baptism and does so for the rest of their lives. An infant cannot do this, and therefore it is through the faith of the parents and Godparents that the sacrament is permitted. That is why the first thing parents do at a baptism is promise to bring their child up in the faith.

In a baptism the paschal candle is lit, and from it the candidates candle is lit symbolizing that they share in what Christ won for us at Easter through his death and resurrection. At a funeral we light the paschal candle once again as we ask God to make good on that promise of eternal life.

A baptism is not a private affair. It is a community celebration. It should be held while the community is gathered, i.e., at Mass. However for various reasons this does not happen, except on Holy Saturday Vigil Mass. That is why in this parish we put the picture of the new candidates into the newsletter, as this is the only way the community can know that new members are joining. But where a number of candidates are to be baptized they should join the community together, with their families present. When this happens the community are gathered and a sense of community is established.



Both the church and state require three months notice of an impending Marriage. Candidates need to go along to the priest in the parish where they are living and complete the pre nuptial enquiry form. This involves producing an up to date Baptismal Certificate issued within six months of the date of the wedding, and a confirmation cert. It also requires the completion of a pre marriage course, which can be booked online at www.accord.ie. You need to contact the registrar at 074 9123771 to discuss the civil requirements of marriage and to arrange an appointment to give three months notice.


€21,000 every 21 days

To celebrate 21 years of successful fundraising, the Friends of Letterkenny General Hospital are launching their 21,000 every 21 days campaign on Monday 21st January at 7.30 p.m. in the conference room, Floor A, Letterkenny General hospital. All welcome to attend.



To all involved in the recently opened Rosses Radio project. The first day was very professional and enlightening and we wish all producers, DJ’s and co-workers every success in the future.


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