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These local people took on the fires in Glenswilly last night. DONEGALDAILY.COM

These local people took on the fires in Glenswilly last night. DONEGALDAILY.COM

Donegal County Council has issued an urgent new appeal to land owners and members of the public to exercise caution during this current period of dry weather and to take all necessary measures to prevent gorse, heather, forestry and similar fires. 

Donegal County Councils Fire Service has responded to 62 call outs since Thursday 28 March 2013 and many areas continue to be susceptible to wild fires due to the ongoing dry spell.

There have been two fires in the Ramelton area in the past few hours with others in Gaoth Dobhair.

“We are urging all land owners and members of the public to be vigilant and to report any uncontrolled or unattended fires immediately to the Fire and Emergency Services,” said a Council spokeswoman today.

“Donegal County Council would like to acknowledge the work of the Fire Service who have, over the last week, responded to a large number of call outs in various parts of the county and who have been working in challenging circumstances in many instances. We would also like to convey our appreciation for the support that the Fire Service has received from the various communities affected by these fires.

“Prevailing conditions forecasted over the weekend in Donegal remain extremely favourable for gorse, hill and forestry fires to start.

“With the current period of dry weather, gorse, heather and other undergrowth is extremely dry. Fires are likely to spread rapidly and get out of control causing unnecessary damage and putting houses, property and possibly life at risk. These fires also interfere with wildlife breeding and nesting and, in many cases, can decimate the local wildlife population.

“Donegal County Council would also like to remind landowners and members of the public that under the Wildlife Act 1976 and the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 it is an offence to cut, grub, burn or otherwise destroy any vegetation growing on any land not then cultivated between 1st day of March and 31st day of August in any year.”

The Council is also urging people not to engage in activities that could contribute to an increase in instances of fires at this time.




Glaoch úr ar an Phobal le Tinte Aitinn a Sheachaint 


Tá Comhairle Contae Dhún na nGall ag leanstan de bheith ag iarraidh ar úinéirí talún agus ar bhaill den phobal a bheith cúramach i rith na tréimhse d’aimsir thirim seo faoi láthair agus gach rud riachtanach a dhéanamh le tinte aitinn, tinte portaigh, tinte foraoise agus eile a sheachaint.

Tá 62 glaoch amach freagartha ag Seirbhís Dóiteáin Chomhairle Contae Dhún na nGall ón Déardaoin 28 Márta 2013 agus tá go leor ceantracha i mbaol tinte fiáine go fóill mar gheall ar an tréimhse leanúnach d’aimsir thirim.  Tá muid ag iarraidh ar gach úinéir talún agus ar bhaill den phobal a bheith ar an airdeall agus fios a chur ar na Seirbhísí Dóiteáin agus Éigeandála gan mhoill má tchíonn siad aon tine as smacht nó aon tine gan mhaoirseacht.

Ba mhaith le Comhairle Contae Dhún na nGall aitheantas a thabhairt d’obair na Seirbhíse Dóiteáin a d’fhreagair cuid mhór glaonna amach le seachtain anuas i gcodanna éagsúla den chontae agus a bhí ag obair i gcoinníollacha iontach dúshlánach go minic. Ba mhaith linn fosta ár mbuíochas a ghabháil leis na pobail éagsúla atá ag fulaingt ó na tinte seo, as an tacaíocht atá tugtha acu don tSeirbhís Dóiteáin.


De réir na haimsire a bhfuiltear ag dréim léi i rith dheireadh na seachtaine i nDún na nGall beidh baol ann go fóill go bhféadfadh tinte aitinn, cnoic agus foraoise a thoiseacht.   De bharr an aimsir a bheith chomh tirim sin faoi láthair, tá aiteann, fraoch agus casarnach eile iontach tirim ar fad. D’fhéadfadh tinte spré amach go han-sciobtha agus imeacht ó smacht, rud a chuirfeadh tithe, sealúchais agus b’fhéidir beatha daoine i mbaol. Cuireann na tinte seo isteach fosta ar an fhiadhúlra atá ag pórú agus ag neadú agus, in go leor cásanna d’fhéadfaí go scriosfaí na hainmhithe uilig go háitiúil.
Ba mhaith le Comhairle Contae Dhún na nGall chomh maith a chur i gcuimhne d’úinéirí talún agus do bhaill den phobal gur coir é aon fhásra atá ag fás ar thalamh nach bhfuil saothraithe idir 1 Márta agus 31 Lúnasa, in aon bhliain, a ghearradh, a ghrafadh, a dhó nó a scriosadh ar aon bhealach eile, de réir an Achta Fiadhúlra 1976 agus An Achta Fiadhúlra 2000 (arna leasú).


Tá an Chomhairle ag impí ar an phobal fosta gan bheith ag déanamh rud ar bith a d’fhéadfadh cur le líon na dtinte ag an am seo.




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